All about lift station sensors

Sensors are an important component in lift stations. Without a good one, lift stations will overflow, pumps can be destroyed and power use is inefficient and wasteful. This month’s post will discuss the various sensors you can use in a lift station – as well as precisely what their uses are. Lets jump right in.

Point level sensors

These sensors come in a wide range of makes and configurations, from simple float switches to more complex floats. Float switches – because they are inexpensive and the simplicity with which they can be maintained – make them some of the most common and popular lift station sensors out there.

Submersible level sensors

These sensors help lift stations constantly measure the levels of the system. When it’s connected to the right controller- it can help trigger alarms correctly, control lead and pump control and the speed of the motor to maximize the system’s efficiency and provide the user with a longer-lasting solution. When combined with the simplicity in which it takes to install them and their durability – they’re another popular choice among users.

Ultrasonic sensors

Like their submersible cousins – ultrasonic sensors allow systems to continuously monitor their levels. The key difference between the two is that ultrasonic sensors are a no-contact method for doing so. With lift stations always being taxed heavily and maintenance is constantly needed, ultrasonic sensors provide the user with a slightly safer bet – as the technology allows you to keep the sensor separate from the bowls of the system itself.

Heavy-duty level probes

Perfect for high use systems and systems that exist in harsh conditions – heavy-duty level probes use floats that travel on a stainless steel rod. The level probes themselves combine a lot of the best of other sensors – providing users with a dependable, simple design that can be easily maintained with all the advantages of continuous monitoring that other sensors offer. While it can cost a pretty penny, they’re one of the best buys on the market and for anyone who has a station in a high-stress environment – it’s the only way to go.