How to get more mileage out of your septic tank

We almost always get questions about how property owners can best service their septic systems between visits from us. These sorts of questions are welcome largely because most homeowners don’t think about these things until they stop working.

So in light of that, we’ve decided that today – we’ll throw out a few tips you can use to make sure your septic system stays in good working order. Let’s jump right in!

Try to avoid flushing inorganic material down your toilets or sinks. This includes things like diapers, cigarettes, laundry sheets, and the like. The problem with those things is that your septic tank can’t degrade those materials and as such, they can cause issues in your system that lead to permanent clogs and other expensive repairs.

We also recommend that you be careful with some other materials like cleaning agents and certain types of food. Particularly with the cleaning agents, there are certain chemicals in them that kill the kind of bacteria you actually want inside your septic tank, making it difficult to break down the waste inside. This can mean that solid waste could seep into your drain problem and trust us when we tell you that’s not a problem that you want to have.

Be mindful of dripping faucets and leaks and even running toilets. These can be very damaging to your septic system. Why? Because septic system are essentially designed to have down periods. It’s an opportunity to recharge itself so as to avoid over-saturation. When there’s running faucets or toilets, it makes this process more difficult and adds wear and tear to the tank.
Water conservation is important, anyway. Not only is it good for the overall health of the planet, but it is beneficial for your septic system as well. While no one is asking you to live a sparse existence, being mindful of how much water you use when you shower, how much you run your washer or dishwater, etc. – can go a long way towards adding more mileage to your septic tank.

If you have any questions about these tips or would like to find out more about our ongoing maintenance service, then give us a call and we’ll be happy to provide you with a free consultation. Until then – good luck!