Lift Station Maintenance Tips

Lift stations are built to take a beating and believe us – they most definitely do. But just because they’re built tough, doesn’t mean you can just count on them to take a licking and keep on ticking. Just like anything else, you need to spend time maintaining them to make sure they’re working as efficiently as possible. 

Today, we’re going to share some tips on what we feel are some of the most crucial maintenance functions that need to be performed when it comes to keeping your lift station in good, working order. Let’s jump right in.


Any lift station wet well should be pumped out and cleaned at least twice a year. This helps to prevent the usual sludge and buildup that can be the cause of poor performance. In some cases, you might need to pump it more than that. Any kind of solid build-up can damage your lift station so make sure this is being done regularly. 

Keeping your alarm systems in check

Any digital control panel or system alarm needs to be inspected at least twice a year. These systems are your first line of defense in the case of something running afoul and not having it in good repair can lead to a whole myriad of issues – ranging from costly repairs to out and out failure. So to make sure your lift station is protected from the worst, make sure your system is being inspected. 

Electrical inspections

Amp readings should be taken monthly on any and all motors connected to your lift station. If they’re off or aren’t meeting the manufacturer’s specs, it could be an indication that debris and buildup could be impacting performance. In addition – making sure that any and all motor control equipment, poor wiring connection and worn parts are all looked after are critical to your lift station’s functioning as well. 

Floats and motors

Floats should be cleaned 2-4 times a year depending on your lift station’s usage. In addition make sure you’re keeping a log book on how your motor is cycling and how much water is being pumped through the system. This will give you a better idea not only of what is working and not working, but how much wear and tear your system will experience heading forward. 

Hopefully, you found today’s blog helpful. If your lift station needs partial or ongoing maintenance, give our team a call today and we’ll be happy to help. Until then, good luck!