Septic Tank Maintenance Tips in the Fall

We know it’s a little on the early side, but fall will be here before we realize and with the cooler weather comes, well – a lot of maintenance and things to think about. For our friends up north it’s raking leaves. It’s cleaning your yard. Down here – it’s a time to settle in and catch up on those outdoor projects you’ve been procrastinating. 

Your septic tank should also be looked after. While you won’t have to do any kind of deep clean – there are some things that you can do in the fall to make sure your septic system is being maintained and properly cared for. Let’s jump right in.

Clean up the area near your tank

Even down here in Florida, the fall brings a lot of wind and storms – so you’ll see twigs, branches, leaves and all sorts of debris everywhere. Make sure you keep the area around your tank clean. The first reason is that you’ll want to keep the tank clean in order to get it cleaned this fall. The second is that if there’s stuff around it, even just a little debris can cause significant damage if it falls into the tank. So make sure the areas around your septic tank are clear.

Don’t mow

Sounds wild, right? And true, this is more of a thing for our friends up north; but at the end of the fall, allow your grass over your tank to grow a little extra and don’t mow it. This will help add an extra layer of insulation so that when it gets colder, the tank won’t rupture or malfunction. While it’s true you can use septic blankets for this stuff, simply letting your grass grow to 6” will help insulate and provide protection. 

Look for internal leaks

Pay attention to the pipes in your home. If you notice leaks – get them addressed immediately. Even a small leak unattended can result in several gallons of extra water being filtered through your septic system. This will ultimately help reduce the stress already placed on your septic system and dramatically improve both its performance and long term viability. 

Schedule maintenance

Whether it’s your septic tank or your lift station, make sure you get them looked at. They recommend you get your tank pumped every 1-3 years, but you should get your tank inspected at least once a year. Getting out ahead of any maintenance issues now – can save you a lot of worry in the future.

Hopefully you found today’s blog helpful. If you need help or would like to get your lift station inspected, give us a call today and we’ll be happy to help. Until then – good luck!