Remembering to stay up to date with regular maintenance is very important when it comes to your septic system whether it is a cesspool, conventional septic system or an innovative/alternative (I/A) system. During a pump out, solids are removed to prevent the soil pores or drain field from clogging.
R and R Lift Stations Services recommends septic tanks to be pumped out at least once every three years specifically for home owners that do not have a garbage disposal. In the case that a garbage disposal is being used, a pump out is needed once a year.
Commercial Property Owners
Every type of property requires septic tank maintenance. A non residential owner must be aware of the previous pumping records of the last owner. This information can also be found by reviewing the pumping intervals to avoid the chance of waiting too long for a proper cleaning.
Depending on Previous Problems
There are times when septic tank owners believe if their septic tank has not experienced previous issues, a pump out is not needed. The way septic tanks works is debris and grease end up at the bottom of the tank that eventually forms into a layer of sludge. Although most septic tanks have 3 to 5 years of space to fill up accumulated sludge, the soil absorption system (SAS) can get clogged causing a backup of unsanitary wastewater to flow to the surface of the tank.
Who Can You Call for Assistance
Do you live in Central Florida? Call on R and R Lift Stations Services for septic tank, grease trap and lift stations services to get the job done right. With over 31 years of experience, the company will provide you with the best service in town. Call us today!