Lift Stations are constantly put under physical stress. Whether it’s the pumps the electronic controls or otherwise, every component of a Lift Station is exposed to a variety of corrosive invaders who can adversely affect the station’s ability to run properly.
Simply put, the performance of routine and preventative maintenance can save you or any station owner from a hefty stack of bills in the future. Here are some suggestions of some things you can do to make sure you’re not dealing with a nasty breakdown sometime in the near future.
Wet wells should be pumped out twice a year.
In fact, some may require more, but this at least prevents solids and grease from building up inside your system. They can get caught in the impeller and do a number on the pump and sink.
Check the light and alarm system weekly
This is more of a do-it-yourself tip, but alarms and warning lights are essential because they can help you catch problems before they become major problems. We recommend checking in with them once a week, perhaps even testing them. It doesn’t even take five minutes, so it should be something you keep up with.
Install an hour meter on each motor
This will help give you an accurate account of how frequently the motors are cycling and just how much water is being pumped through the system. Doing this helps you get an idea not only of how much work your station is putting in, but helps you prepare for what aspects of your unit might be in jeopardy for a breakdown more than others. It’s a little old-fashioned, but we do recommend you keep some sort of logbook to keep track of use and maintenance.
Keep those inspection records!
Records help with anything maintenance-related. They keep records when you go to the doctor and lift stations should have theirs kept too. Especially in the case of a malfunction, they can provide that the system was operating properly and can help determine what course of action needs to be taken.
If your lift station isn’t functioning properly, give us a call and we’ll get out to see you as soon as possible. In addition, if you’re too busy to maintain your pump, we have a program that checks all the boxes and does it for you. Give us a call to request a quote today!