For many, spring is the best time to schedule septic tank maintenance. The winter months are hard on everything in your yard; from your lawn to your trees and even your home. Unfortunately, septic tanks are no exception. Freezing temperatures in the winter usually increases the burden placed on your tank. And when workload goes up – so does the amount of wear and tear put on your septic system.
As the snow and ice melts and the rain sets in, it’s important to get your tank serviced. And as they always say – a little maintenance and lift station service now can help avoid a world of trouble in the future. Here are some reasons why you should consider getting your system serviced this year and what you can come to expect during the process. Let’s jump right in!
What spring maintenance does
In the spring, you can expect to get your filters get cleaned or changed. Septic tanks incorporate filtrations systems designed to prevent waste from getting into (flooding) your drain field. This is important because in the event your drain field does flood, replacement or repair can be costly – particularly due to the labor involved – so make sure you get this done.
Second, your tank will likely get pumped if it’s necessary. Pumping removes sludge and other contaminates and makes sure you don’t incur any damage in and around the surrounding drain field. While everyone debates the number of times you should drain your septic tank, most experts generally agree that it should be pumped at least once every three years.
Finally, your professional will perform a thorough inspection of both the tank and your drain field. As tanks age, they can develop cracks in the vault, lids can swear out in addition to a whole plethora of pipe related issues. Your once-over will likely identify anything that could be an issue and help you get ahead of it before it becomes a major issue.
It’s a smart spend
If your septic system fails, then you’ll be stuck with both the expense of replacement and the inconvenience of lost service. You could be without sewer service for days – even weeks and months depending on where you are. No toilets, no flushing toilets and no sinks. Simply put, a little spent on maintenance is far cheaper than replacing your tank.
Doing your part
Understanding the do’s and don’ts of septic tank ownership is important as well. Don’t treat your toilet like a garbage can. Don’t flush inert objects that can harm your tank. Don’t rinse grease, food particles and other kitchen debris down the drain and use your water sparingly. Too much can disrupt the balance of microorganisms in the tank itself but can also cause you to have your tank pumped more than it needs to be. That and well, it’s just the environmentally responsible thing to do.
If you’re looking for someone to inspect your septic system or you’re experiencing issues – just give us a call and we’ll give you a free consultation. Here’s to a healthy, happy warm weather season! Good luck!